Potential Uses
Utilize the two-story underground former control center as a “safe house” basement by building a private home above it
Build out the two-story underground former control center as an underground home (convert one level into a hydroponic garden, one level into living space)
Use as a private club, meeting space, or corporate safe house
Training Camp
Corporate team-building retreat space/camp (build ropes courses, team-building exercises above ground)
Engineering summer camp for kids
RV park or tiny home property
Target range
Farming and agriculture
Secure storage area
Plenty of room for a large solar field
Ideal conditions and space for wind turbine installation
Great agricultural climate and plenty of land for garden space
High-quality animal grazing property
This 18-story underground space can be converted into a multi-level underground multi-story safe apartment or corporate headquarters “safe house” location, complete with gym, market, pool, meeting space, living space, etc
Each of the levels measures 2,000 square feet, which could be sold as individual apartments
52’ diameter concrete silo cover can be utilized as a helipad
Survivor-themed Hotel